Clear Pricing

At we try to offer a clear price so you know how much you will pay and can clearly see what the treatment will cost. We charge separately for the consultation and the herbs, creams or tincture prescribed.


    Adults and children over 12 years

Initial Consultation: £35 (1 hour)
Return Visit: £20 (30 minutes)

    Children (under 12 years old)

Initial Consultation: £18 (1/2 hour)
Return Visit: £13 (15 minutes)
For more information on our Childen’s Clinic please visit the Childen’s Clinic page

Herbal Prescriptions

Herbal tincture: normally £4.50 per weeks medicine
Herbal creams: typically £5.50 for a 60 gram jar
Herbal teas: typically £4 per 100g
Other items: supplements, vitamins or minerals may also be recommended. These can be bought at the time of the consultation or from other suppliers. Prices vary greatly however the herbalist will only recommend these where their use is important for your treatment.
Please note: for babies and children the herbal dosages are normally much lower and the costs of herbal remedies will also be significantly less.

Subsidised Clinic for those in more difficult circumstances

We are able to offer subsidised prices for clients who are in full-time education, OAP’s whose only income is the state pension and people on a low income. For more information on prices and conditions click here

Free Initial Herbal Discussion

All of our herbalists are happy to offer a short initial herbal consultation. This short consultation will allow you to find out if the herbalist feels that herbs could help in your situation, to answer any questions about how herbalists work and to indicate how your course of treatment would proceed. This appointment can be arranged by telephone or in the clinic face-to-face. Please contact us to arrange a time if you would like a free intial herbal discussion.

It is important to note that this herbal discussion is not a medical consultation and that the herbalist will not be able to recommend any herbal medicine on this occasion. Please note that the herbalist is seeing you without charge to allow you to explain how herbal medicine works and to decide whether to consult them on a professional basis.

Location | Subsidised Clinic A Childen’s Clinic